On 15.5.2019 the SEEBDN-Southeast Europe Business Development Network , in cooperation with Grimex Consult and the daily newspaper Die Presse, and with the support of the Montenegrin government, held successfully the conference "Destinations on the Rise 2019 - Montenegro". With more than 150 participants, the economic potential of the EU accession candidate Montenegro as well as the most significant companies of the country were presented. The aim of the project "Destinations on the Rise" is to show the economic potential of the countries of Southeastern Europe and the Western Balkans in Austria.
It was a pleasure to welcome keynote speakers like Milutin Simovic (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture of Montenegro), Ivan Gros (General Director of Grimex Consult), Fritz Kaltenegger (CEO of Cafe + Co and CEO of SEEBDN), Nikolaus Berlakovich (Member of the National Council) , Martin Eichtinger (Member of the Provincial Government, Lower Austria), Elisabeth Stadler (CEO of the Vienna Insurance Group), Vlastimir Golubovic (President of the Economic Chamber of Montenegro) and Mr. Dejan Medojevic (Secretary of the Secretariat for Development Projects of Montenegro).
At the event, some of the most important companies of Montenegro presented themselves. Porto Montenegro, as the largest yacht harbor on the Adriatic. Bemax, as the largest construction company in the country with numerous projects in Montenegro and the region. Lustica Bay, a unique tourism complex. Mtel, one of the leading telecommunications companies in the entire region. Budvanska Rivijera, the largest hotel group in the country, with hotel resorts along the entire coast. The city of Cetinje, the old royal capital with new investment projects and industrial parks. The regional water supply network of Montenegro, with new investment projects in the field of modernization of the water supply network. The National Tourism Organization has shown the wide range of tourist possibilities. The presentation was followed by a subsequent conversation with football legend Dejan Savicevic, today's president of the Montenegrin football association.