The SEEBDN is not only expanding its network but also its offer:

With YOUNG PROFESSIONAL CIRCLE, short YPC, we are establishing a network for young professionals, entrepreneurs, managers and committed students across the sectors politics, business, science, culture and art.

Our goal is to connect future international decision-makers who are based in Austria with a focus on those with SEE-background and also with young professionals based in countries of Southeast Europe. We want to provide them with the best possible support from our YPC & SEEBDN network.

The networking events will take place in Vienna/Austria and also regularly in the countries of SEE in cooperation with our partners.  

Our offer:
  • Regular YPC networking events in a relaxed atmosphere with top-class speakers and guest from relevant industries hosted in Austrian and SEE countries.
  • Invitation to all already established SEEBDN events hosted in Austria and in SEE countries.
  • Advice and support from the YPC Advisory Board and SEEBDN board.  
  • Connect with like-minded, successful & inspiring international young professionals.
If you are interested to join the YPC, please contact office@seebdn.eu and the SEEBDN Secretary General will get back to you with further details.

A strong network that you can build on today and rely on later, no matter where your professional journey takes you.
Become part of YPC and contact us now!
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